Saturday, September 6, 2008

Discussion #2

A speaker that I have always admired is my high school principal, Mary Miller. The first time I had ever heard her speak was a my older sister's graduation. I was young then, but remember listening to her and thinking how much presence she had in that gym. Many years later I got accepted to Presentation High School and was lucky enough to still have her as my principal. 

I think that Ms. Miller uses pathos in her speeches. She puts so much emotion into each and every speech that she does. She makes sure that with each speech that she does, she relates to each and every student the best that she can. Ms. Miller would tell us stories which would enable us to make a connection to her on a level further than just being our principal.  She was always so passionate about what she was speaking about, which would always touch our hearts. 

It was hard for me to come up with some qualities that I have that make me persuasive. I think that I also try to relate to whomever I am speaking with. I also try to be very knowledgeable about what I am speak about. I think that these qualities are just like my principal's qualities which both fall under Aristotle's classification schemes. 

1 comment:

blondie said...

Hello Lee,

I also wrote about a woman speaker who motivates, encourages, moves and relates to the audience they are speaking too. It is great you wrote about your high school principle, Mary Miller. It sounds like she was a great speaker by using emotion (passion) and examples in her every word and action. I believe having a speaker who gives some personal examples in difficult times, such as high school can do, it helps an individual relate to the topic/lesson.
I agree getting to know the audience before you speak to them will help you know what words or examples to use to get the message across. Aristotle, does reveal something along the lines you mentioned that being knowledgeable about your topic will help the true and proof come out in the speech.
I really enjoyed reading your positive blog !

Hope you had a fun Friday!
