Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Week 3 Post #1

According to our text, under the pragmatic perspective “communication consists of a system of interlocking, interdependent ‘moves’, which become patterned over time” (25). Basically, this perspective focuses on the games we play as human beings. Games meaning when two people begin to have a conversation with one another and eventually interact with one another over time. I think that it definitely makes sense to think of communication as patterned interaction. Mostly because I believe that after knowing somebody for a length of time, you begin to understand how he or she likes to communicate and therefore, know what the right and wrong moves are. People’s personality change constantly and are different from person to person. It is important to know how to talk to one person versus how to talk with another. For example, when having a conversation with my best friend, I know that I can be more free and easy going whereas when having a conversation with my mother, sometimes I have to know the right things to say in order to not push her buttons. You also begin to understand each person’s facial expression and other actions. This makes it easier to know what types of conversations you can have with certain people. I also believe that this view is played out a lot in loving relationships like a boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife. You need to know how to play the game in order to keep a steady relationship.

1 comment:

Persiangirl said...

Great post. I completely agree that the interaction between two people become patterned over time. Like between a set pattern with your parents and with your friends for example we have different ways of talking and different set patterns of communication when we are talking to different people. In that sense I completely agree with your example of your best friend we communicate much differently all depending on who we are communicating with. The ending of the conversation is one in which differs from a game in that in a game I feel the ultimate goal is to win, not just a payoff.