Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Post #3

A concept that I feel needs further discussion would be the different types of perspectives there are. The book states that a perspective is, “a coherent set of assumptions about the way a process operates” (25). There are three models to look at. The first model is psychological perspective which is an idea that focuses on “what is going on in the head” when we communicate. The second model is the social constructionist perspective, which is a “process whereby people, using tools provided by their culture, create collective representations of reality” (25). This emphasizes the relationship between communication and culture. Finally the last model is the pragmatic perspective, which shows that “communication consists of a system of interlocking, interdependent moves, which become patterned over time” (25). These three models are all very important to understand when it comes to communicating with others.

The most interesting of those three models is the pragmatic perspective. The reason is because, as the text states, “this perspective focuses on the games people play when they communicate” (25). I believe that we all play games with one another. The reason is because we are all trying to learn how different people communicate. We change our style of communication with certain people because we begin to understand how they like to interact with you. You being to understand how someone reacts to certain ways of communicating, making it easier for you to avoid it in the future.

I think it would be interesting to do an assignment on these models to see which way people like to communicate more.

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