Friday, November 21, 2008

Chapter 11 Post #2

Something that I found interesting in this chapter is the idea of interactivity (p323). Interactivity, according to our text, “occurs when receivers have the opportunity to engage with senders” (323). This is happening now more than ever before. We use many different electonic things to communicate with senders like email, text, chats and even online polls. This is so important because it is a fast answer and it is easy too. We are able to provide feedback so quick that the sender is able to fix the problems or make whatever it is even better. This idea is also important because it allows the audience to be even more involved than ever. Shows like Dancing With the Stars and American Idol allow the audience to feel as though they are apart of something really exciting and special making shows like these a big hit.

Our text also explains the idea of a “wiki” which allows Internet users to access information, update it, correct it or even add more info to it. This also makes another type of audience involved. The biggest example of this is “Wikipedia”. I love these type of websites because it allows you to get information fast and easy, however you never really know if information is true and correct, which could get you into trouble.


Sara said...

I think that being able to be so immediately interactive is a great thing. It definitely allows people to keep in touch easier and be a part of things they wouldn't generally be a part of. I know that if it were not for the internet I would not have kept in contact with nearly as many people as I have. It's a horrible thing to admit but it is so true. So I would have to say that by being able to connect with people and activities instantly it allows people to stay on contact better and experience other groups.

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Lee! You mentioned Wikipedia in the last part of your message. You said, "...however you never really know if information is true and correct, which could get you into trouble." Have you ever experienced a time where you looked up information and thought it was true but was not? And, do you find that Wikipedia is a reliable source of information?

blondie said...


I also found ‘interactivity’ interesting from this chapter. It is amazing how often interactivity does occur on a daily basis. With the growth of technology there has also been the growth in how people interact or even chose to communicate. I liked your examples of how television show interacts with audience making the audience feel like they have control over what they view. Its funny how much people get involved with the shows by voting, paying to vote and talk about it at work the next day. I enjoyed reading you blog this week.
