Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Post #1

Ethnography seemed most interesting to me because it is a concept that I have never thought of as a popular research method. It would be very interesting to go undercover and research something or someone in its natural environment. At the same time, you have to give up all of your “own values and assumptions on the data” (374), making this an even harder way to research. Like the text says, instead of a hypothesis you would see the answer emerge just from watching with your own eyes.

I believe studying deception using this method would not work very well, so I would probably chose survey research to find out more on deception. According to the dictionary, deception is the act of deceiving someone. It would be key to give the participants questionnaires on different ways someone might deceive another person and see how they would answer. I think that face-to-face interviews would be difficult, but then you might also be able to read the persons facial expressions to see if they are lying when answering the questions.

Deception is such a hard topic to research because it involves lying, so I’m not sure that even survey research would be the best way to research this. What do you think?

1 comment:

Steph_annie said...

I think that ethnography is a really good research method as well. It would be very difficult to be undercover like that, but I think the results would be very honest. As for the research question about deception, I feel like a survey may not be the best choice. The reason is that people may exaggerate on how they reacted to deception, or they may be ashamed and lie about their real reaction. If you ask a person if they have ever been deceitful, they may also lie because they don't want to be viewed as a "bad" person. With personal issues that place great emphisis on a persons character, research becomes difficult. I do believe that ethnography would be the best research method for this topic just because the researcher would be able to fully take note of the reactions of the people. For example, if I was the researcher, I may be deceitful and lie to a friend about something. Later I would let the friend know that I had lied, and would just record their reaction. This may cost you some friendships, but it would create honest results.